| Welcome to the new C.L. Wilson website (2025)

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Welcome to the long awaited new website for C.L. Wilson. I hope that this new website will allow me to communicate to you all on a much closer level than ever before. Best of all this new website is mobile friendly so you will now be able to view it and interact with it on all mobile devices. The overall goal of the site was to provide a better experience to my loyal fan base so that you can easily navigate the website, get updates, visit me at events, learn more about your favorite novels, and sign my guest book. If you feel like there is a problem with the new website, or there is something missing that would give you a better experience on the website please feel free to let me know by filling out my contact form.

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| Welcome to the new C.L. Wilson website (2)

Karen Cameron

on May 14, 2023 : Reply

When is the Jaguar King going to be released?

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on January 13, 2022 : Reply

Will you ever follow up with Rain and Elysetta? I’m rereading the books again and wish there was a big enough budget to make these into movies! I think they’d be a hit if given the proper budget!

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Miriam Vega-Rosado

on December 15, 2020 : Reply

Just finished reading The Sea King, loved it.

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on July 26, 2020 : Reply

I think you left open the possibility of Galaen’s life mate being Meliandre would it not being so wonderful a tourtull ? Soul find soulless and comfort in love? I think they woth do, but I am no one to one imposed my wishes upon you , just please find in your heart to make them happy we all need that, some times we. All need that

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Jean Bramwell

on May 26, 2019 : Reply

I fell in love with Fading Lands series and so far have read them 10 times with many more to come Thank you for those beauties.

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Faith Nestlerode

on May 9, 2018 : Reply


I’ve been addicted to The Fading Lands stories since I picked up Lord of the Fading Lands, at Walmart. I’m re reading the series for the 50th time. I can’t wait to find out about certain characters stories and Ferraz witches and if any new evil is trying to fill in the gap. You will always be in my favorites of all time. Thanks to everyone who has helped create the series.

Love the Fiction and dying for more,
Faith Nestlerode

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Judy Meidlinger

on March 13, 2018 : Reply

I just finished reading your beautiful book ‘Lord of the Fading Lands.’ What a beautiful story, so well written, mesmerizing and magical. Thank you for feeding my mind with such beautifully written words of fantasy. Rest assured I will seek out your other books and no doubt regard them with as much appreciation as the first one I read. Your art is truly astounding!

Best regards from a true admirer of your art,
Judy Meidlinger

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on February 1, 2018 : Reply

Please oh please will you write on Lillis and lorelle? The suspense is killing me. I need closure and I haven’t had it since I finished with the Tairen soul series. Lady I admire your work. Maybe ,I’ll like to write someday as wonderfully as you do. Just please give me and the rest if the world closure else I’ll never move on. 😟

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on August 21, 2017 : Reply

My good friend pointed these out to me several days ago – and I just finished CoCF and the short story in the Never Fear book (which I bought JUST because of Shan). My goodness.
1. You are a stellar author. Stellar. Top 5 favorite.
2. I need to get my hands on hardbacks of these (they’re on My kindle).
3. I have to know: are you planning anything for Kiel and Kieran? I know it may sound…odd, but I would love to know if anything arose between them and Lillis and Lorelle as they got older. And Bel. I have to know.

I feel like a Tairen Soul addict. I’ll be going back and rereading.
Thank you, so so so much.

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C.L. Wilson

on August 22, 2017

My thanks to your friend! 🙂 I’m so very happy you enjoyed the books! I sell autographed copies of all my books on http://www.tairenslair.com, and I do actually have hardback copies of KING and QUEEN, but the others were never printed in hardcover. (alas)

As for Kieran, Kiel and the twins…oh, yes, eventually there will be a story about them, but the girls aren’t grown up enough yet 🙂 Maybe I’ll have fun with Lillis/Lorelle adventures into naughtiness for a while until their full stories come to me.

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Erin Norris

on August 21, 2017 : Reply

Oh, Dear God, please tell us you’re still working on Gaelen’s and Belliard’s book. I reread the series like twice a year – I’m craving more of the TS series.

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C.L. Wilson

on August 22, 2017

Of course…well, I’ve got three project in the works for the Fading Lands. one of those three is Bel’s book. Gaelen’s story is on the back burner. Need to get these done first.

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Darinda Sellers

on July 10, 2017 : Reply

I’ve read and reread the Taisen books that they look much older than they really are. Love, love, love them!!
Will Gaelen and Mellindra have a story?

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C.L. Wilson

on July 26, 2017

I’m working on several stories. Gaelen will have a story. Bel will have a story, and Melliandra will also have a story 🙂

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Gamiel Michael

on May 17, 2017 : Reply

Sorry I dropped off the grid….some disgruntled person complained about my FB account and it was frozen…some people have nothing better to do I guess…hope all is well with you

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Linda Barvitz

on February 21, 2017 : Reply

C.L. Wilson I love your books. I read the Terin series first(all 5) loved them. I then read Wynter King. Loved it even more. I was there. I lived it. I laughed. I cried. Dear God let this book end! Oh no,epilogue it can’t be over. I loved your books . You are an amazing author. Thank you

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C.L. Wilson

on March 3, 2017

Linda, I appreciate your kind note so very much! Thanks bunches.

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on December 2, 2016 : Reply

I love the taren soul are there any new books

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C.L. Wilson

on December 23, 2016

I’m actually working on two Fading Lands novellas, and will be resuming work on Bel’s book again, too.

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C.L. Wilson

on December 23, 2016

Oh, and there’s a Short Story out about Shanisorran vel Celay (before he Truemates Elfeya) in the NEVER FEAR – THE TAROT! anthology.

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Candice Lindsay

on November 20, 2016 : Reply

Hi I am a fan of the book winter king and I would love to know when the release date of the sea king. I can’t wait to read the next series to the book

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C.L. Wilson

on November 25, 2016

Thanks so much. I hope to have news very soon.

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Author: Duncan Muller

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Author information

Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.